scandal sheet


scandal sheet 的定义

n. 名词 noun
  1. a newspaper or magazine that emphasizes scandal or gossip.

scandal sheet 近义词

n. 名词 noun

gossipy newspaper

scandal sheet 的近义词 4

更多scandal sheet例句

  1. Liberals are outraged over the Steven Scalise scandal—but the left has selective amnesia.
  2. Despite the scandal, Grimm beat his Democratic opponent by 18 points in November.
  3. Divide batter into prepared ramekins, place ramekins on a baking sheet, and bake about 20 minutes.
  4. If the ongoing Hollywood scandal were a teen thriller from the 90s.
  5. Nine U.S. Army soldiers were court-martialed and convicted of crimes in connection with that scandal.
  6. If you use it wisely, it may be Ulysses' hauberk; if you reject it, the shirt of Nessus were a cooler winding-sheet!
  7. The Professor took his pen and wrote a large X upon the sheet of paper in front of him.
  8. The nasty scandal at the Pandemonium had been particularly irritating to Haggard personally.
  9. Instead of a cloth, on each table was a sheet of fine glazed paper which had the appearance of oiled silk.
  10. Demons—was the horrible word that flashed through his brain like a sheet of fire.